Monday, February 25, 2013

Aubrie at 2 Years Old

My sweet girl,
 You are growing o so fast. I feel like I blinked from the time I told Daddy you were coming until now. You are absolutely incredible. You love to be taught and learn things unbelievably fast. I feel so very blessed that I get to spend each and every minute of every day with you. I miss you when you're sleeping or if I'm away from you even for a little while. I will cherish these precious little years forever and look back on our days together with the fondest of memories.

Here's an update on what you are like at 26 months!
~You LOVE to talk, in full, clear sentences, about anything and everything, all the time :) Your first words in the morning are Mommy!!!! Come get your Aubrie! You don't stop talking after this until I put you to bed and often times, I hear your talking in your sleep ;).

~You are a quick learner and love it when I teach you new things!
   ~Here's some* of what you know. You are so bright, there's no way I could remember/write all of it!
*The alphabet.. you know the whole thing and can recite the sound each letter makes
*You have quite a few of your books, even the long ones memorized word for word.
*You know all of the songs I sing you at night word for word and can sing them yourself.
*The street we live on, Mommy and Daddy's names, our hair and eye color. (Daddy teased me about this, but I think these are such important things for you to know without even thinking twice.)
*Where Jesus lives, that God made you, and that Jesus loves you so SO much!
*How to pray. Lately you've been echoing the bed time prayers I pray over you each night.
*You know when we get near your Nanny, Beppe, Auntie Sissy, and Auntie Laurel's houses and say " Here we are!" before you can even see their actual house.
*The sounds of each and every animal I can think to teach you!
*Shapes galore! You easily can tell us what a hexagon or a pentagon is.
*The difference in a crescent moon and full moon.
*You can draw! You very easily draw circles with eyes and happy or sad faces. And slides. :)
*You are very understanding. We can reason with you very easily and you understand what we are saying. Sometimes this makes it hard for us to remember that you are only 2!

~You are such a good big sister to Emma. You are very careful around her and conscious of where she is. You love to give her kisses and are very gentle with her. You are very patient when I am feeding her or when she's crying and needs extra attention from me. You'll never know how grateful I am for that. You ask if she can sleep with you when I'm putting you to bed and right after you ask you answer yourself and say, "When she's bigger!" I have no doubt that you two will be the best of friends. I hope one day you'll see this as a wonderful gift from us!

~You are crazy about your Daddy! You hear the door open at the end of the day and gasp and yell, "Daddy!!!!!!" You run to him and give him big hugs.. I know he will always remember that!

~You love to be close to me. You're secure enough to know that if I'm not with you, I always leave you with someone safe and just say, "Bye Mommy, love you!", but for the most part, we stick close together, you and I.
Thanks for making me a Mommy. There's nothing else I'd rather be. You are so loved!

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