Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Back to Blogging!

Decided to give the blog another try! Darren and I have really been talking about computer time/social media lately. How much time do we spend collectively checking facebook, twitter, pinterest, forums, blogs, instagram etc when we could be doing other, more important things? The hard thing about Facebook though is practically everyone has one so it makes it nice to stay 'caught up' with those you don't get to see. It also has been helpful getting the word out about my Thirty One business. But do we really need to know what everyone is up to? Even those who we never talk to in 'real life'? (Or maybe those we've never even met?) Does everyone really need to know those details about our personal life? Can I better glorify God with my time spent elsewhere? When we were talking about this, my hubby labeled all these things as 'lifestyle ads'. Woah. How smart is my man?! I thought that described them perfectly. 'How amazing is their house? ...I wish I had that kitchen. I wish I could afford to dress like that. I wish I could buy Aubrie those kinds of outfits. I wish we could go there for vacation.. or just go anywhere!' These are for sure not God glorifying thoughts.. they sound like coveting thoughts to me. (Insert conviction here.)
All of this to say, this little blog will be where you can keep up with our little family as I have time to post and where we can look back and remember special memories of our growing family. I'm limiting social media time, with the faith that God will bless the decision to spend my time serving my hubby and my baby girl better, by keeping my true friends in my 'real' everyday life, and by growing my Thirty One business as He sees fit.
Come follow along!
{So thankful for these two!}


  1. Great post Kassi! Not sure what is cooler than a family being convicted of something and choosing a different path...One they feel led down.

    I agree with a lot of what you say. With regards to Facebook, I see it a little differently. I can choose to covet which i honestly don't. I'm sure I have much worst issues than coveting. (Thank God for His Son). I see facebook as "it is what you make of it." You can choose to look at people's homes and want something bigger than what you have etc etc. Or you can say, "I have an opportunity to reach a lot more people for Christ than what I normally would on a daily basis."

    Some people don't want to hear "Christian" stuff on facebook but that is their loss. They also don't want to hear it in their daily life. (And that includes Christians) But what if you friended someone (without really knowing them) and something you said on FB could lead them to Christ? Or what if one of your Christian friends was down and feeling like God wasn't around them but something you said gave them hope again?

    It is a quite powerful tool if you use it as such IMO.

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting! You make great points, actually one of the reasons I have kept my fb is because of outreach too :). With the houses, outfits, etc I was more talking about Pinterest, which for women is super addicting. It's like a magazine with anything you want to look at that updates itself every second :). Dangerous!! ha!
    I also in no way judge how others spend their time. This is just a personal choice, something I have felt the Lord lay on MY heart. And it could be temporary, or it could be as minimal as just not posting or going on. My point just was, for me and what Darren and I have noticed together that so much time is spent on things online when it could be better spent in prayer, in the Word, with each other etc.
    I love that you look at it as a way to reach others, that is so awesome! Isn't it great how God uses us all differently? For me, I feel like my mission field is first and foremost in our home for my family and then wherever else we happen to be, whether it's something as small as helping a new mom figure out the stroller cover in at the grocery store, or just praying for a friend when they need it.
    I love how diverse God created us!

  3. I love it! It is always important to be listening when God speaks to us and put what He tells us into action!

    I also agree with you that as parents our mission field should start in our home!
