Friday, April 18, 2014

Jumbled Thoughts and New Beginnings

I've been quiet here on this blog for quite some time. I love reading other people's blogs, and love feeling a type of community with other women who are in the same stage of life raising little ones and loving the Lord, but I have a hard time deciding what I want to share with the internet world. Will my girls want strangers to know some of their innermost personalities? Do I want strangers knowing things that are so precious to me about them? I guard my girls hearts fiercely and I would never want to damage that trust. At the same time, why are we living such a special story if we're not sharing it? Could some of our family's story help another Mommy like so many of my favorite bloggers have helped me? I want to this space to be an encouragement and a light to someone who needs it, but also want to find a good balance of how much of our life to share.

Life has been full lately. My husband and I have been pushed to our limits so to speak with huge decisions that will change our life. Good choices, different outcomes.. tons of praying, a little fighting, lots of learning, lots of loving and leaning on each other and learning that with God's leading it is up to the two of us to make decisions for our own family. It's the hardest times that make us realize how much we love each other isn't it? There are big changes for our family on the horizon and I am looking forward to seeing God's plan for us.

This pregnancy has been going extremely well. I have never felt this good this far along. Sure, I'm tired a lot but I will take exhaustion over bed rest and constant pain and sickness that I've had before. :). I know without a doubt God has our son coming at just the right time because he has given me so much grace and strength the past 6 months.  I'm seeing and believing more and more that children are God's gifts to us and he will give us whatever we need to follow what he wants for our family, whoever that may bring! I'm looking forward to meeting our little man but also am content with him right where he is. ;)

Looking forward to our family weekend and celebrating what Jesus did for us on the cross! Have a great Easter!

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