Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Weee Snow!"

Today we took a little trip and showed Aubrie the snow for the first time! It is so fun to get to show her new things. We left during her nap time and she did great on the two hour trip. (Maybe a little longer since pregnant Mommy had to stop a lot;)
When we first took her out of the car, she pointed to the snow and said, "Sat?" (What's that?) Once we told her it was snow it was ingrained in her little memory! We got her snow clothes on and she was good to go!
{How cute is she?!}

She loved the sled and kept saying, "Wee snow!". We only had two small spills and cries and she just shook it off and wanted right back on the sled. What a big girl! We had a great time together! Thank you Jesus for a fun family day!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun! Here in Minnesota we have barely gotten any snow this winter... no sledding :( And now it's been in the 70's, crazy weather!
